Thursday Dec 30, 2021
2021 Year in Review with Jason Brezler and James McNamara
In this episode, host Patti Murphy is joined by LUF Founder Jason Brezler and LUF’s Human Performance Advisor James McNamara. If you’re tuning into this podcast for the first time, you can listen to episodes no. 5 and 12 to learn more about each of them. Since this is our year in review episode, the team covers a lot in just a short amount of time. 2021 seems to have been a long, divisive year where we endured another 12 months of a global pandemic with impeding COVID-19 mandates, witnessed America’s chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan as we marked the 20th anniversary of the attacks on 9/11, and continued to redefine “normal.” But while it was another incredibly hard year for many, there were still moments that highlight the admirable tenacity and ingenuity of people and resilience of the human spirit worthy of celebrating.