Thursday May 21, 2020
USMC Top Shooter's Perspective on Optimal Performance with J. Carlson, USMC (Ret)
What is going on inside of the mind of one of the USMC's top marksman? Joining us in the latest episode of the Leadership Under Fire Optimizing Human Performance Podcast is Julia Carlson. Among many other accomplishments, she was the first female to graduate the Small Arms Weapons Instructor School. Her marksmanship and Marine Corps highlights include: over 15 Interservice awards, five International awards of which two were Combat Precision against all militaries in the world, over 40 National titles and awards to include four history making championships by being the first woman to ever win since the induction of the competition in 1902. She was named the Female Athlete of the Year for the Marine Corps in 1998 and has held three National Service Rifle records. She earned her Distinguished Rifleman Badge in 1997 and her Distinguished Pistol Shot 2014 and is one of four known female Marines to become double distinguished. During her time as a member of the Marine Corps Shooting Teams (both active and reserve), she has taught marksmanship skills to active and reserves around the country, youth, civilian groups, law enforcement, and other branches of the military as well. She retired from the US Marines as a Master Sergeant in 2016 with twenty-two years of service.