Thursday Dec 28, 2023
Year in Review and Outlook for 2024 with Jason Brezler and Jim McNamara
In this episode of the Leadership Under Fire Humanizing the Narrative Podcast, host Patti Murphy is joined by LUF Founder Jason Brezler and LUF’s Senior Man and Human Performance Advisor Jim McNamara. In this conversation, we reflect on the range, depth, and reach of Leadership Under Fire’s team efforts in 2023. As has been the trend in recent years, technological and societal changes have deeply impacted all of us, individually and collectively. To that end, the LUF team has reaffirmed its commitment to humanize performance and leadership in today’s fire service and other high-risk, lethal environments to gain and maintain a competitive edge while maintaining the moral imperative of leadership. Through programs, research and publications, the team is committed to developing mission-oriented leaders who make human performance a priority.